Lego Harry Potter DOBBY'S RELEASE

Lego Harry Potter DOBBY'S RELEASE
Lego Harry Potter DOBBY'S RELEASE
Lego Harry Potter DOBBY'S RELEASE

  • Lego Harry Potter Recreate a scene from the world of Harry Potter
  • Includes two plastic characters
  • Lego Harry Potter Designed for Harry Potter fans
  • Easy to assemble and durable
  • Lego Harry Potter Contains 70 pieces
Lego Harry Potter Dobby's Release makes for a fun play world, recreating a scene from the world of Harry Potter complete with moving parts--although putting it together is a bit like solving a 3-D puzzle. Lego Harry Potter Younger kids may not have the patience to wade through the directions, which though text-free are on the detailed side, meaning that the set's 70 pieces may end up in a muddled mess without some help from a grownup. Lego Harry Potter The figures look a bit odd and blocky at first glance, but once you get used to them they have an appealing, whimsical charm. Lego Harry Potter If there is one downside, it's that pieces tend to fall off with overly enthusiastic play, but being LEGO snap right back on.Lego Harry Potter --David Stoesz
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